In 1973 Dino Signori – owner and master designer of Sidi – developed his first revolutionary biking shoe. A shoe with an adjustable plastic plate, leather upper, titanium plate nailed to a wooden outsole. From there followed a whole series of biking shoes.

Each year, Sidi produces between 280.000 and 300.000 biking shoes divided over 30 models. The production is partly mechanical but goed shoes still require a lot of manual labour. The shaping of the last around the mould and the placing of the carbon sole under the shoe. Each pair of shoes is then carefully checked on quality and packaged by hand. Sidi is therefore also known for years as an innovative manufacturer of top-quality products.

Sidi is the perfect biking shoe produced by real shoemakers.

  • Sidi
  • Sidi
  • Sidi
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